
Social Customer Service

Social Customer Service

Social customer service support is provided for our clients by our professional team of social media monitoring and response agents.

Social customer service is direct support for consumers through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter.

According to the latest market research data, 90% of consumers have used social media platforms to communicate with a company or brand and more than a third of consumers surveyed have indicated a preference for social media contact over phone and email.

Our Social Customer Service support team provides support for both inbound and outbound, scheduled and unscheduled social media contacts to address all varieties of issues, questions, requests and comments from consumers visiting and interacting with our client’s social media properties.

We work with each client to clearly understand and define expectations for customer facing responses, both public and private. Our team specializes in creating a seamless environment to provide consistency in tone and response time to ensure that customers are treated in the same way regardless of their method of contact.

Social Media Monitoring:
Our social media monitoring team uses a proprietary system and comprehensive approach for monitoring our client’s social media properties. Activity from visitors to our client’s social media channels including comments, tweets, retweets, private messages, tags, sharing and post activity is closely monitored.

Social Media Response:
Any activity on social media channels immediately alerts our social media response agents who manage any customer facing interaction or response, whether public or private, as appropriate. Our social media response team is trained to accurately identify issues and create a perfect response, including providing additional information and links. Our agents use a personal touch when communicating with customers, by including their name and addressing each contact by their name. All loops are closed by our experienced agents to ensure that every communication is closed and resolved.

Social Customer Service - Facilities
American Help Desk operates a 24/7/365 call center, equipped with experienced Social Customer Service specialists. Our staff includes bilingual and multilingual agents and agents with diverse backgrounds and experience.

Social Customer Services, Pricing and Information:
Toll-Free: 1-800-997-0977

For Additional information, as well as, pricing and options, please, contact our sales department:

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